Visuals Missing the Magic of Impact?

To determine which of our design packages is best for you, book a consultation.


Information Design Package

With information design, we collaborate to transform your research into visuals with impact. Whether it is a chart, complex infographic, or designed interaction, we do it.

Check out our projects to see what’s possible for you:

Presentation Design Package

Presentations missing the magic of impact? We work with you to make your ideas powerful with visuals that get them the attention they deserve. 

While we can’t show you our clients’ presentations out of respect for their intellectual property rights,
here are a few examples of components we’ve created:

Animations that support your concepts

Publication Design Package

Fostering sharing and understanding is only the beginning. We want your work to have real impact. Whether it’s a research report, instructional materials, or something else, we work with you to create strong visuals you didn’t even know you needed. 

Here are a few examples of our publication design:

Breathe life into your conference

Information design for books

21st century teaching tools

Publications people
actually want to read

Need something different than what you see here?

Book a consult and we’ll chat.